Bringing the Great Commission Into All Aspects of Our Lives
Corey Duncan2022-05-16T17:04:17-04:00How many times have you heard a sermon that called you to “preach the gospel” a [...]
How many times have you heard a sermon that called you to “preach the gospel” a [...]
Muslim Population: 750 000 N’Djaména is the capital of Chad, one of the poorest [...]
Ah, dear brothers and sisters there is a blind spot in Christian missions today [...]
You have heard me state on numerous occasions research is important. The use of [...]
The Church speaks the language of mission but uses more than one dictionary. Ec [...]
Our Lord’s commission came with the expectation to “make disciples” (Matt 28:19 [...]
What an oxymoron. Gospel proclamation was a dangerous task throughout the New T [...]
It’s not often that a graph changes the course of my life. But this one did. It [...]
To be a “world” Christian simply means that you have consciously, sincerely, an [...]
This year has revealed: perhaps we don’t send more missionaries because we care [...]